Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Nomination talk; who is safe?

Big Brother 25

A little bit later today there will be the second nomination ceremony of Big Brother 25 — so what is going to happen here? Who is going to be in danger?

Well, let’s start off here by noting that Jared has come back from the Nether Region. He was gone significantly longer than Cory was during the first week, and that makes us wonder if people are going to be separated from the game longer and longer over time. We have not heard anything about a specific twist, but it appears as though Jag is now safe — possibly tied to this twist? He is now off in the Nether Region, replacing Jared.

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So what are we going to see Head of Household Hisham do? It does seem like he has a pretty firm plan right now. His idea right now is to nominate Reilly and Cameron. Why? For Reilly, he feels like she is one of the only people who has mentioned his name. Meanwhile, Cameron has rubbed people the wrong way and nobody knows where his loyalties lie. Matt may be a replacement nominee of someone gets pulled down, and that just makes us sad. Mecole has suggested to Hisham nominating Cameron and Matt — that way, Reilly has to chose if she wins Veto.

Hisham has already indicated that he is not going to nominate Jag this week no matter what and for now, even his supposed archenemy Cory is safe. He’s been very blunt in his approach, calling people in for meetings and asking similar questions. He wants to know what people will do in the event they win Veto, and if they are willing to play ball with whatever he wants. It could be seen as abrasive, but it’s also a different way of doing things than how Reilly operated. It also probably helps that he already has an alliance backing him up for the time being.

Reilly will apparently talk to Hisam at some point, and both Cirie and Jared have each given her a pep talk — personally, we think that Cirie would rather get out Cameron. We’ll wait and see.

Related Be sure to get other news on Big Brother 25, including the expulsion of Luke

Do you think that Hisam is making the right move with his Big Brother 25 nominations?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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