Ridley season 1 episode 7 promo: The case gets personal

Ridley season 1

Tomorrow night is going to bring Ridley season 1 episode 7 to PBS, and we suppose we should start things off by saying this. You are going to be seeing the beginning here of a two-part finale event, and you can prepare to see things get both rather complicated and also personal moving forward. After all, we are getting set for what will very be the most harrowing case of the title character’s life.

The case is going to begin with Ridley and Carol investigating the death of a man who apparently fell from his balcony. So where do things go from here? This is where things start to become a little bit more mysterious. There could be a connection that emerges involving his past and his family, and that means that he’ll start to go a bit rogue in his investigating. Will that end up jeopardizing the case as a whole? You can more than likely count on that.

In general, one of the things that you’re going to be seeing over the course of this episode is something that, admittedly, we’ve seen across many police dramas over the years. Then again, it’s hard to do something across any of these shows that has not been done before. We suppose that the real charm here is going to just be seeing if there are ways to make Ridley’s struggle in particular different from all the rest. Performance-wise, we are pretty darn sure that it is going to get there.

Also, we should note that whatever happens in episode 7 will almost certainly lead into the finale. We’ve had two-parters for the entirety of the series, and we do think that producers will want to leave your jaws on the ground for at least a good week…

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Ridley, including other details on the future

What do you think we are going to be seeing moving into Ridley season 1 episode 7 on PBS?

Where do you think this particular case is going to go? If you have some more questions on that subject, be sure to share below! Once you do just that, come back to get some other updates.

(Photo: PBS.)

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