Tough as Nails season 5: Was Todd or Akeela eliminated?

Tough as Nails season 4

Tonight’s Tough as Nails season 5 featured one of the hardest eliminations of the season. Doesn’t it have to be at this point?

Let’s put it this way: A spot in the final five was on the line and for Todd and Akeela, they wanted to do everything that they could to make it there. Akeela was almost able to avoid Overtime altogether thanks to an intense showdown with Ben, who has been the favorite for a big part of the season. Yet, he finished his bike in time and found a way to make it through to the next part of the competition. Clearly, he is going to be a force through the rest of the season.

The Overtime challenge was actually pretty fast, which meant that there wasn’t a lot of room for improvisation along the way. Todd was more experienced, but Akeela was a fast learner. Also, we have seen how she has fared under pressure as of late, and that is something that she clearly had an advantage on. She started out ahead in the challenge, but she also had a pretty key disadvantage at one point: She was shorter, and needed to use a stepladder at one point. (Or, she thought she needed it.) In between that and dropping a nut and an inopportune time, she fell behind and Todd won the face-off.

With that, we had to say goodbye to Akeela, which was a total class act in saying goodbye to this part of the competition. She really proved herself a lot during the season, and it feels like she’s the sort of person who they could bring back in some sort of all-star season.

From here on out, it’s pretty fair to think that things are only going to get MORE intense. These people are going to be pushed to the limit!

Related Be sure to get some more news on Tough as Nails right now

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(Photo: CBS.)

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