Cruel Summer season 3 renewal: A serious case for optimism

Cruel Summer season 2

While we dive further into the future of season 2, where do things stand when it comes to a Cruel Summer season 3 at Freeform? Is there any reason to have hope here?

Well, let’s start things off here by noting the following — there are reasons to think that the show will be coming back for more. Based on all early indications that we have at the moment, season 2 has been nothing short of incredibly successful. The ratings have been strong to date, and the show has done a good job of generating buzz. We were somewhat concerned that the layoff between seasons would be a problem, especially since this season is an entirely different story. Yet, that has proven to not be the case.

We do think that at some point, we are going to get some more news on a Cruel Summer season 3. However, the big problem at the moment is that we may not hear about it for a good while. Remember for a moment that the writers and the actors across all of TV are currently on strike and by virtue of that, there is no immediate hurry to make any announcements. There will probably be a long wait before a season 3, just as it will also most likely be another separate story of its own.

Yet, what we’ve at least learned at the moment is that the first season was not some one-hit wonder, and that this has potential to be a successful and lucrative franchise long-term. In the end, we’re going to have to wait and see exactly what happens.

Of course, the same goes for season 2. What in the world is going to happen with Luke? That is the big mystery at the moment, and we hope that we’re going to see resolution come the finale.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Cruel Summer right now, including what else will be coming from here

Do you think we are going to get more news on a Cruel Summer season 3 soon?

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(Photo: Freeform.)

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