The Blacklist season 10 episode 20: Is the Task Force shut down?

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Tonight brought us a pretty incredible opportunity to see huge events over The Blacklist season 10 episode 20. Is this the end of the Task Force as we know it?

Well, let’s just say that there is a pretty simple answer to this question: That may very well be the case. Arthur Hudson has been wanting nothing more all season than a chance to destroy the Task Force for its ties to Reddington and about halfway through, he was able to get what he wanted. The Attorney General decided that the group was completely compromised by Reddington and because of that, the Post Office was raided by agents. All the good work that they had done was seemingly about to be sent down the drain.

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While we anticipated that this was going to be coming for a rather long time, it was still undoubtedly rather sad. Cooper said it best in that he has wanted nothing more than the good of the country, and that mean at times taking on some drastic measures in order to ensure that it happened. Congressman Hudson was completely drunk with power, and wanted nothing more in order to stop him.

If there is any silver lining here…

The Attorney General tasked Cooper to re-open the Task Force and track down Reddington at the end of the episode. They knew about Raymond more than anyone, and some of Hudson’s efforts to stop him clearly failed. With that, there is a pretty impossible situation for Harold here — he has to either find Reddington, or he and the remainder of the team end up getting charged.

Related Be sure to get some more news on The Blacklist, including a preview for the series finale

What did you think about the overall events of The Blacklist season 10 episode 20?

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(Photo: NBC.)

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