Schmigadoon! season 2 finale: The end of Schmicago, & the show?

Schmigadoon! season 2

The Schmigadoon! season 2 finale delivered with it a lot of significant musical moments — but did it also deliver an ending?

Let’s just put it this way: If the Apple TV+ series concluded after this particular episode, it wouldn’t feel like there were a ton of loose ends. After working to save Schmicago and deliver a happy ending for most of its denizens, Josh and Melissa, following one final musical number, decided to head home. Sure, they recognized that not everything may be perfect there, but they were ready to embrace the good and bad times. The good news is that Melissa is pregnant and now, they can prepare to enter another exciting moment in their lives.

Of, and beyond all of this there were some fantastic celebrity moments in the finale — take that number by Ariana DeBose! Make whatever Angela Bassett jokes you want, but there’s no question that she can sing a million times over.

After watching all of this, though, we are reminded even more that there is no Schmigadoon! season 3 officially ordered, and that makes us think that we shouldn’t expect one soon. The idea here was clearly to wrap up this particular chapter and come back if there is another idea at some point later on. Given that both Cecily Strong and Keegan-Michael Key are pretty busy, they could be interested in taking on some other projects for at least the next little while.

If this is the end…

What a journey it has been! There have been some really great moments over the course of it and really, all we can hope for is that another show comes around that gives musicals as much love and respect as this one did. Even when it was satirizing them, it was always clear that it came from such an adoring place.

Related Get some more news on the Schmigadoon! season 2 finale and the chance for something more down the road

What did you think overall about the events of the Schmigadoon! season 2 finale?

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(Photo: Apple TV+.)

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