Grey’s Anatomy season 19 episode 16: A Cristina Yang letter!

Grey's Anatomy season 19

Can we just take a moment to celebrate that Grey’s Anatomy season 19 is doing their part to acknowledge and celebrate Cristina Yang? Let’s just say that at the moment, we’re pretty darn happy about it.

On tonight’s new episode, we found ourselves especially overjoyed over the fact that we got a letter from Sandra Oh’s character, and she is helping out Addison and Bailey by donating valuable supplies. This is totally something that Cristina would do, so it fits very-much directly into the story.

Of course, it is also valuable that we get this given the fact that Sandra is probably not going to be coming back on the show at any point in the future. The Killing Eve actress has said multiple times that she prefers to move forward rather than revisiting the past. We’ll be the first to admit that we’ve always hoped that we would see the actress again in an eventual series finale, but who out there could actually feel that confident based on the information that we’ve got in the past? We certainly are not.

The good news for Bailey is simply that she keeps on fighting, even though she’s had to deal with brutal threats and so much more over the past few weeks. She’s handled with bravery what has become a very topical and divisive subject in the country, and you gotta applaud the show for never shying away from a stance.

Also, for a bonus bit of nostalgia, isn’t it nice to get as much of Kate Walsh as we have this season? We certainly tend to think so. She does seem to be willing to make appearances here and there and we hope that stays the same as we move forward.

Related Go ahead and get some other news as we look ahead here to the upcoming Grey’s Anatomy season 19 finale

What did you think about the Cristina letter that we got on Grey’s Anatomy season 19 episode 16?

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(Photo: ABC.)

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