Snowfall season 7: Why isn’t it happening at FX?

Snowfall season 6

With tonight’s Snowfall season 6 finale serving as the series finale, this feels like the proper time to discuss season 7. Or, to be specific, a lack thereof.

Why is season 6 the final one for the FX drama? Well, let’s just say that this was decided upon a long time ago. (Rest assured, there are no finale spoilers within. You don’t have to worry about that.)

The thing with a show like Snowfall is that it’s not a show in the vein of a Law & Order or Grey’s Anatomy — you can’t just keep telling this story for two decades without a problem. From the beginning, it was clear that the journey of Franklin, Leon, and some other characters would reach a natural conclusion. Since this show is also based in part on history, you can’t just extend the struggle to the point it becomes unnatural.

Could you make the argument that you could’ve stretched the events of the final two seasons into perhaps three or four? Sure, but it would have changed the entire pace of the story. The best thing that any drama like this should want is to leave on a high note, and regardless of the series finale story we think that the past two years of Snowfall have been the show’s best by a wide margin. There has been a chance in here to see so many fantastic stories and to also be taken on a wild, emotional journey.

Rather than hope for more of this specific show…

Remember that there has been some talk about a spin-off featuring Wanda. Also, we tend to think that there are going to be opportunities to see the cast in a lot of other projects. Damson Idris in particular could be making a splash in the film world over the next few years, and we are 100% curious to learn more about what’s going to happen there.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Snowfall right now

Are you sad that the show of Snowfall was not extended for a season 7?

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(Photo: FX.)

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