Succession season 4 episode 5: Sarah Snook on Shiv pregnancy

Succession season 4

As you get prepared to check out Succession season 4 episode 5 on HBO this weekend, there is a new wrinkle with the Shiv story. After all, she is now pregnant!

While there have been some theories out there for a while that something like this could happen, it was hard to ever view it as something close to a sure thing. After all, there is already so much other stuff going on with this character! Then again, that very fact may be the reason why showrunner Jesse Armstrong was inspired to make this move now — it is another thing for Shiv to consider in her life. She may want to be a good mother out of love, but also to prove some wrong who doesn’t have all that much faith in her.

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One question that has inevitably come out of this big reveal is when we are going to be seeing her have a conversation with Tom about it, given that such a chat at this point feels largely inevitable. She will only be able to keep the pregnancy a secret for so long!

We do think that a time will come where she wants to spill the beans, but that time is not here as of yet. In speaking to this further on the show’s official podcast (per THR), here is some of what Sarah Snook herself had to say on the subject:

“It’s too complicated [to tell Tom about the pregnancy], I think. It changes too much. There’s too much going on … Her father just died. There’s so many business machinations happening, to then bring Tom into it in a familial sense would confuse it again. She doesn’t know how she feels about it herself. In a way, I think she would prefer to decide what her own feelings are about this before she has Tom’s feelings muddy the waters.”

Like we said, we’ll see how long this stance holds — for now, there are some other things that the two are focusing on, with the future of Waystar Royco as a company being fairly high on the list.

Related Be sure to get some other news right now on Succession, including more details on episode 5

What do you think will happen with Shiv moving into Succession season 4 episode 5 on HBO?

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(Photo: HBO.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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