Netflix crashes during Love is Blind 4 live reunion

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Netflix had one job — and today, it made a lot of Love is Blind 4 viewers rather upset.

The streaming service as of late has experimented with more and more live programming — the Chris Rock standup special if of course one example, but so was this big reality TV event. It managed to deliver a countless number of people watching concurrently, only for the service to then crash out for a number of customers.

Is this some sort of longstanding problem? No, but it did cause “not Netflix” to be trending as a result of people being frustrated. This event was a culmination of a full season’s worth of drama — plus, a chance to see whether or not people are still together after the fact! It’s a reminder of where a lot of viewers have shifted within the reality TV world.

After experiencing some problems with overload, Netflix actually came on Twitter and noted that the event was about 15 minutes late. This is, at least, one advantage to running a service without a specific schedule that you have to meet or advertisers you have to appease all the time; there is substantially more freedom than you would have otherwise to do these sort of things. Sure, everyone is collectively annoyed about all of the issues … but by the end of the night, the bulk of people will have forgotten. It’s not as though this is something that is a frequent occurrence for Netflix customers.

For us personally, the pinnacle of various streaming-service outages is back during Game of Thrones, when HBO was having a hard time keeping up with a lot of the early streaming traffic. Even some of the biggest and beefiest servers out there still need to have a lot of power for a huge influx of people all at once. Here is another reminder of that.

Related When could season 5 for Love is Blind premiere?

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(Photo: Netflix.)

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