Saturday Night Live: Kenan Thompson plays Funky Kong!

Saturday Night Live

During tonight’s Saturday Night Live episode hosted by Ana de Armas, Weekend Update brought as Kenan Thompson as Funky Kong.

For everyone out there who is a fan of the old-school Donkey Kong Country video games, this character was known as one of the “cooler” members of the Kong family. Unfortunately, he was mostly MIA from the recent Super Mario Bros. video game. That’s a shame, no?

Well, we should note that Kenan was absolute gold in this role, who was over-the-top, obscene, and upset that he was cut out of the movie. There was very little similarity between this and the video-game version of Funky but honestly, we don’t care! We’d love to see this character before but unfortunately, that’s probably not going to happen. There are just not that many reasons to bring him back.

As a side bar, we’re not altogether sure that Nintendo is going to like some of the quotes made in here about Princess Peach — but hey, it’s comedy! Also, this show has said a number of risque things over the years about various Disney properties, so we can’t consider anything in here to be altogether shocking.

(Sidebar: Are we ever going to see Kenan back as Willie? Maybe that’s not everyone’s favorite character, but we still very much appreciate his presence … despite how terrible his life seems to be the vast majority of the time.)

As a honorable mention here, we have to give some praise to Sarah Sherman as meditation expert Genesis, who mostly just seems to be there to torment Colin Jost. It honestly doesn’t matter what character she is playing; it works every single time. Sherman is one of the breakout stars of the season and really, the show needs to be using her talents more.

Related Did you know that former cast member Pete Davidson is hosting the next new episode?

What did you think about Funky Kong turning up on tonight’s Saturday Night Live?

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(Photo: NBC.)

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