Big Brother Canada 11 spoilers: Fatal Feast, library chaos

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Waking up this morning, it was of course our hope to get a new Big Brother Canada 11 Digital Daily, but we still had some questions. Given the strangeness surrounding this Fatal Feast coming up, we anticipate this week being a little bit weird and chaotic.

Prior to the latest Daily coming out, here is at least some of what we knew. Head of Household Kuzie was looking to nominate Ty and Santina, with the former serving as her target. This was a risky move and honestly, not one that we would have suggested, all things considered. Remember for a moment here that Claudia, Renee, and Shanaya are a super-tight trio, and we thought it made more sense to split those three up than players in Santina and Ty you could potentially work with for another week or two.

Well, our expectations for there being specific nominations today more or less went out the window, but you can assume that those two were going to be nominated. Everything is changing at this point thanks to the aforementioned Fatal Feast.

What happened in the library is reasonably confusing, mostly because certain players have been clearly instructed to not discuss it at length. It seems as though at one point, Ty found something (puzzle pieces?) in the library; there is speculation about it being a power but nothing is confirmed. We could see him maybe getting some advantage at the Feast but still, there’s a lot of mystery around what this is and just how it will work. (We’d be surprised if there are any more Dailies before the next show.)

Another interesting headline that came from today’s Daily is that Kuzie told Renee that Jonathan asked to be voted out. Whether or not that is true is currently unclear, but did he really want Hope to stay over him that much?

Other library drama

Amidst everything going on with Ty, at one point Claudia, Shanaya, and Renee found themselves unable to get in the room, which caused a lot of anger and tears later. These three are not exactly major contenders to win unless they get to the end together, but (whether it’s intentional or not) they manage to find some strategic value in coming across as non-threatening.

Related Be sure to read our new Big Brother Canada interview with Jonathan!

Where do you think things are going to go in the next few days within Big Brother Canada 11?

Be sure to share in the comments! Also, come back around for some other updates right now.

(Photo: Global.)

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