Blue Bloods season 13: Marisa Ramirez on Danny, Baez’s future

Blue Bloods season 13

We know that there are a multitude of things that longtime fans of Blue Bloods want, with Danny and Baez as a couple being somewhere on the list. While we wouldn’t say it is universally demanded by every fan out there, this is a super-popular pairing and clearly, there is a lot of enthusiasm behind the idea.

Ultimately, we get it — they clearly care a lot about each other and it’s easy to see why that chemistry could translate over to romance. Personally, we’re sure that the characters have considered the idea — but acting on it is a different story.

So does Marisa Ramirez think that such a romance could actually happen? Speaking to TV Insider, she makes some of her thoughts on the matter clear:

It’s really tough. They’re just so great as work partners and, as you know from the Jamie (Will Estes) and Eddie (Vanessa Ray) storyline, once they become personally entangled, it became very difficult. So Maria and Danny may not even be allowed to work as partners anymore. And I think that’s where they’re happiest, getting to spend the day working together. I know that fans do want that romance, but I think it’s more fun to just kind of tease whether we can go there or not.

There is something to what Ramirez is saying here — also, think about it this way. If the two get together, either Danny or Baez gets reassigned and all of a sudden, we may not see Marisa on the show that much. There is only so much story that can be told per hour of TV, and there are SO many different characters already — and the focus is always going to be the Reagans. We have a hard time seeing that change.

In the end, this is one of the reasons why we would could see Danny and Baez getting romantically involved at the very end of the series — that way, fans get what they want but the show doesn’t change along the way. Or, could you do a spin-off with them together somewhere else? We like to think of it as a viable possibility for now.

Related Go ahead and get some other news right now on the Blue Bloods finale!

What do you think is going to happen with Danny and Baez on Blue Bloods in the long-term?

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(Photo: CBS.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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