Big Brother Canada 11 spoilers: The new HoH’s nomination plan…

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As so many of you know at the moment, we have a new Head of Household within the Big Brother Canada 11 house — but are they making the right move?

Last night, the news was made official that Kuzie has power for the second time this season, and now she faces the oh-so-enviable challenge where she has to think about a lot of different scenarios. She is with Daniel, Hope, and Anika as the remnants of The Crown. Meanwhile, Claudia, Renee, and Shanaya are together, and then you have Ty and Santina as the threats in the middle.

So what is Renee thinking about at this point? Well, it seems like her primary target for now is Ty and with that, she is looking to nominate him and Santina. That could change, but it’s a big risk for her to take and as much of a threat as Ty is, he’s largely by himself. He and Santina can work together, but it’s not like they are BFFs by any means. Both of those players are so weak socially at times that they will be beatable in the final two, and that’s another thing to think about.

With Renee, Shanaya, and Claudia, you have three people who probably will vote together and will not turn on each other. You also have to consider that this week’s HoH was one they easily could have won — Ty doesn’t have this big advantage on them all of the time. We’ve loved watching Kuzie this season, but we do question the move of leaving a solid trio in the game.

Also, consider this

Who is Ty more likely to go after at this point — The Crown, who voted the way he wanted, or the three women who didn’t? It felt like Kuzie and company just earned some goodwill with him … though maybe there is an expiration date on that, as well.

Related Check out our Big Brother Canada interview with Jonathan now

What do you think about Kuzie’s move right now within Big Brother Canada 11?

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(Photo: Global.)

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