Big Brother Canada 11 spoilers: Will Hope, Jonathan be evicted?

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Tonight’s new episode of Big Brother Canada 11 is a mere matter of hours away, and is there still some debate as to what could happen?

If nothing else, we would say that as of right now, this seems to be the most ambiguous eviction that we’ve had. Hope and Jonathan are on the block together, and there is a real debate as to what could happen. One day ago, it seemed like Hope was going to be a goner; now, it may be Jonathan.

A real point of interest at this point is what’s going to happen with the members of The Crown who were not on the block — namely, Kuzie, Anika, and Daniel. It seems like they may be pulling in Santina and the four of them together could get Jonathan out. That would isolate Renee, Shanaya, and Claudia — and is it better to split them up before Ty? There is an argument to be made for it, given that they could control a lot of votes down the road. Ty is more of a competition threat, but he is only one vote and for now, he may be fixated on taking out Shanaya or Renee after what happened. (Or, of course Santina, but that doesn’t matter to Kuzie, Anika, and Daniel — Ty and Daniel also have a bond.)

There is still a TON of time for all of this to change, but it’s also worth remembering that Hope is a better competition threat than Jonathan — the risk that the remainder of The Crown takes here is that he’s shown to be a little more of a wild-card insofar as being a player goes in the game. Jonathan is a little more solid and predictable, but does he really have the fighting instinct necessary?

As great as Jonathan is as a person, you can argue that he is almost too pure for this world…

Related Go ahead and check out our latest Big Brother Canada 11 exit interview with Dan

What do you think is going to happen on tonight’s Big Brother Canada 11 eviction?

Be sure to let us know in the comments! Once you do just that, stay tuned — there are other updates coming down the road…

(Photo: Global.)

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