True Detective season 4 trailer maps out story of ‘Night Country’

True Detective season 4

There is still no formal premiere date for True Detective season 4 at HBO, but there is still a lot of exciting stuff to report.

Take, for starters, a brand-new trailer that offers up a good sense of what lies ahead! If you head over to the link here, you can get a really good sense of all of the various twists and turns still to come with this show, which stars Jodie Foster and Kali Reis. The two are going to be partners on a case together in remote Alaska, one revolving around a series of disappearances at a research station. Unfortunately, this is a case where answers are really hard to come by.

One thing that we can say from watching this trailer (watch here) is that Foster’s Liz Danvers is not an altogether popular person. As a matter of fact, she is largely disliked by most of her peers. Reis’ Evangeline Navarro has little interest in actually working with her, but she wants to get the case closed.

If you have watched True Detective over the years, then you know that this show can be as dark and intense as any that you are going to see on TV. Whatever happened to these missing researchers could be unspeakable and terrible, and test who Danvers and Navarro truly are.

Why no premiere date?

We think the purpose of the trailer right now was mostly to push the incoming merge of HBO Max and Discovery+ into Max starting next month — while this show remains an HBO original, it will obviously be a big part of that service.

We just hope that this season will live up to the hype, given that the first few seasons of this show proved to be a little hit-or-miss. Season 3 was a nice recovery, but can the positive momentum stay steady as we move forward?

Related Be sure to get some more news on True Detective now, including other details on the future

What are you most excited to see when it comes to True Detective season 4 over at HBO?

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(Photo: HBO.)

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