Why did Kaya Stewart quit American Idol 21 in Hollywood Week?

American Idol season 21

Why did Kaya Stewart quit American Idol 21 during tonight’s Hollywood Week? We understand if anyone out there is shocked. After all, this is the second time in the past two days that a strong contender left the competition. Remember, yesterday it was Sarah Beth, who opted to go back to her kids rather than stay a part of the show this season.

Of course, everyone has their own reasons for not wanting to move forward, and for Kaya, she had her own specific choices to make. Prior to a duet with Fire Wilmore, set to “Whataya Want From Me” by Adam Lambert, she decided to not take part. With that, she is gone from the competition.

Kaya’s reason for not moving forward was fairly simple: She didn’t think that she could give her all to the performance. She had gotten more and more sick throughout the week and didn’t want to offer up something that was not worthy of her standard. It’s a bold decision to make, but we also understand it.

Remember that at this point, American Idol is far more than just a competition that makes stars. It’s a competition that establishes your brand. Rather than being remembered for a performance she wouldn’t be happy with, Stewart made this choice instead. She’s already been given a platform thanks to the competition, and she can now use that in order to further her career.

The good news for Fire

She still found a way to move on with some impromptu help! We do think that she’s going to be an interesting darkhorse candidate this season, mostly because of her memorable audition journey and also the amount of raw talent that she has.

In general, though, we’d say that there really isn’t a single favorite this season — maybe that is frustrating for some, but we think it is a part of the show’s charm.

Related Get some more news right now about Sarah Beth and her decision to leave the show

Where you shocked about Kaya Stewart choosing to leave American Idol 21 rather than perform a duet tonight?

Share right away in the comments! Also, remember to keep coming back — we’re going to have some other updates the rest of the season! (Photo: ABC.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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