Magnum PI season 5 episode 8: Will the CIA kill Magnum?

Magnum PI season 5

We’ve now had a chance to see Magnum PI season 5 episode 8 on NBC this week, and let’s just say that there is another big twists.

For most of the season, we’ve seen Magnum and his friends try to figure out the truth behind Captain Greene’s death. Remember that this is a man who they worked with many years ago, and that personal connection has made this investigation all the more pertinent.

However, we don’t think Magnum or anyone else saw the ending to “Dark Skies” coming. As it turns out, there is a CIA Special Operations Group, one where Greene got his orders, seemingly out to kill Magnum, Rick, and TC. That’s where at least some of what was gathered by the end of the episode and as Higgins said, the metaphorical toothpaste may be one of the tube when it comes to other men and women coming after them. Sure, one person was brought in at the end of the hour, but is that enough?

Here is where things get a little bit complicated — it’s obviously hard to buy into the idea that the entire CIA wants the title character and his friends dead. There is clearly something larger going on at this point … but what is it? Of course, we wonder that in order to better figure out the future, we’ll need to better understand the past.

So where are we going to see things go from here?

Well, remember for a moment here that there are two more episodes still to come before the show is going off on hiatus for a long period of time. Within that span, we (of course) tend to think that there are a number of other big-time twists that are going to come your way on this story! We may get closure to the Captain Greene plot by the end of episode 10, but it could not be what anyone expects.

For now, we’ll at least give kudos to the creative team for managing to find a way with this story to deliver something that 100%, we never anticipated we’d see.

Related Check out when the show is coming back after hiatus

What did you did you think overall about the events of Magnum PI season 5 episode 8?

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