Big Brother Canada 11: What is Whodunnit Week?

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There is no denying that tonight’s Big Brother Canada 11 was completely insane; we saw Zach quit, and then, there was Whodunnit Week.

If you’re curious in reading more on Zach leaving the game, we’ll have that for you later on in this article. For the time being, though, let’s get more into the big week that is coming up.

So what is Whodunnit Week? Per host Arisa Cox, this is going to be a really fun theme where next week’s competitions are going to have some unique twists and turns. Also, everything that transpires will be anonymous. That means that someone can make some big moves without getting any of the blowback. (This, to us, is very reminiscent of the ABC show Whodunnit, which was only on for one season but holds a special place in our heart.)

For the record, there is also an HoH competition coming up titled the Inheritance that is apparently unlike anything that the show has ever done before.

Will all of this make for some captivating TV?

Well, if nothing else, it’s going to be interesting. There is no denying that everything that we saw tonight was compelling, but that’s not sustainable. Instead, it is something that we have rarely seen ever in the history of the show. We still question the lack of live feeds.

Yet, let’s also be honest here for a moment — there’s a good chance that even if there were live feeds for this season, they probably would be down for Whodunnit Week. This is the sort of thing that the show always likes to keep quiet, even if personally, it would be a lot more exciting here to know what was going on as it happened.

As of right now, it does feel like the easy target is Ty, but we’ll see what happens…

Related Check out some other news right now on Big Brother Canada, including more on Zach quitting the game

What are you the most excited to see entering Whodunnit Week on Big Brother Canada 11?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back around for even more updates. (Photo: Global.)

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