Big Brother Canada 11: Is Hope being disqualified from the game?

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Just in case there was not enough drama in Big Brother Canada 11 tonight on Global, let’s add this: Could Hope get disqualified?

Well, let’s just say we have an even bigger idea now of why we are not getting Digital Dailies this week! There’s something strange that happened with Hope — he handed something to Ty, but what was it? A letter? Is it something that could get him disqualified from the game? Things are already getting super-chaotic and messy and of course, we’re left to do little other than speculate.

Oh, and there is also Arisa Cox stating on Twitter that tomorrow’s episode is going to be messy and chaotic on an even larger scale. Add to all of this the fact that Vanessa is gone from the game, and this is after her social-media accounts tricked us into thinking that she was still there.

Well, if nothing else, this week isn’t boring … but we wish there were feeds for it.

Will Hope actually get disqualified?

If this was a letter than he handed over to Ty, we can’t see it. Written communication is against the rules, but is it really grounds for expulsion? We don’t think so, unless there’s some extreme line that is crossed with it. We also don’t know if this was something super-serious that production would be hyping it the way that they are. There are plenty of punishments that Hope could get in-game.

Of course, something happening to Hope at this point would be utterly soul-crushing given that Zach was just nominated by Head of Household Kuzie, which means that he could be out of the game after just a few weeks. He is clearly the bigger threat versus Santina, who may have won an HoH but has not shown to be as good at controlling other players. (Of course, we still think Zach’s demise could be coming soon enough, even if he stays.)

For now, let’s just say that there are a LOT of possible avenues and no real answers.


Read More about what happened to Hope tonight — was he expelled?

Do you think that Hope could be disqualified from Big Brother Canada 11?

Be sure to let us know in the comments! Once you do just that, come back for other updates. (Photo: Global.)

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