Mayans MC season 5: When will the series finale air?

Mayans MC season 4

As so many of you know at this point, the Mayans MC series finale is going to be coming at some point most likely this year. It is all just a matter of when.

First and foremost, let’s start out here by reminding you that the FX series is super-deep into production. Before too long, the cast and crew are going to be wrapped and that will be a pretty emotional event within itself. How can it not be? Just think about the journey that we’ve seen these characters go on, and the legacy that has been continued that carries through all the way back to Sons of Anarchy.

Unfortunately at the moment there is no official premiere date and with that in mind, we’re obviously still left waiting for more news. With that being said, though, we still have a reasonably good idea as to when the story will come back — either later this spring or early summer. This goes along with how the show has been released in the past, and we don’t think that FX is going to shake things up all too much here.

If this is going to be the Mayans MC season 5 schedule, when will the series finale arrive? We tend to think at some point in July or August. It could be earlier or later depending on if there are some two-episode blocks, and we certainly think this installment will be big, epic, and basically cinematic in nature. There will likely be some characters who die, and we also think the club is going to look and feel very much different from anything we’re seeing at present.

Let’s just hope, for now, that the series lives up to the hype — and that our jaws are on the ground at the very end of it.

Related Check out some more news on Mayans MC, including some premiere date hopes

What are you most excited to see when it comes to Mayans MC season 5?

When did you think the series finale will air? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, come back — we will have some other insight in the near future. (Photo: FX.)

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