The Last of Us season 1 episode 6 run time: What to expect

The Last of Us season 1

As you get prepare for The Last of Us season 1 episode 6 on HBO this weekend, it’s fair to wonder about run time!

Of course, it goes without saying that we want as much of the show as humanly possible. However, we also want quality more so than quantity. There doesn’t need to be a 90-minute episode with a bunch of filler, and so far the run times have varied wildly based on the specific story being told. It does feel like there’s a lot that could be told in episode 6, with Joel and Ellie, reeling from the deaths of Sam and Henry, continue heading west and finding themselves in a much colder climate. Based on the previews that we have seen so far, Tommy is also going to be returning.

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Given just how abnormal some of the run times have been this season, it’s almost strange to say how normal things actually are for this weekend’s episode. According to the official programming guide, this is an installment that will go for exactly an hour. This is the typical length for a premium-cable show, but we wouldn’t view this as some guarantee that the rest of the installments will be around this, as well. Some could be a little bit shorter, whereas others could still go over an hour.

Given that there is already a season 2 for The Last of Us confirmed, at least you don’t have to be concerned about there being a cancellation. There is more story that you’ll get a chance to see in due time, so be prepared … but also don’t get far ahead of yourselves. There’s always potential for a lot more emotional and pain in the short-term future.

Related Go ahead and get some other news all about The Last of Us season 1 episode 6 right away, including what else to expect

What are you the most interested in seeing from The Last of Us season 1 episode 6?

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