Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Is Kyle leaving the Leftovers?

Kyle Capener Big Brother

We’re in the evening of day 40 within the Big Brother 24 house — and with that, are we nearing the end of the Leftovers, as well? We wouldn’t say the alliance is 100% dead as of yet, but we do think that we’re starting to see people set themselves up more for a life without it.

To the surprise of no one, it feels like the demise of the alliance could be one of the people intent on starting in the first place in Kyle. A couple of weeks ago, he was fine getting Alyssa out of the game. Now that they are a full-on showmance, he’s in complete “I’ll risk it all” mode. Despite numerous people in the alliance wanting him to use the Veto, he’s insisting that he won’t do it. He’s not going to jeopardize Alyssa’s game and he’s told her that. He’s also told her that multiple people have pushed him to use it — he hasn’t given her the reason why yet, but it feels like mostly a matter of time.

We’ve also seen conversations now with Michael, Brittany, and Kyle where the latter has agonized over this decision, and it’s a reminder that Michael and Brittany may be setting themselves up more with something on the side with Kyle and Alyssa. Given that Monte and Joseph already have Jasmine to some extent as their own backup plan, we’re starting to see some numbers shift a little bit. (Taylor needs to solidify a final two with Turner — they could go far together and no one would immediately suspect it.) If Kyle doesn’t use the Veto we likely see Indy go out this week. What happens next depends on who the next HoH is.

What does feel a little more clear now is that if some Leftovers, during the split house, have a chance to take out Kyle, they may do it. Or, at the very least they’re going to get Alyssa out of the game.

In other news…

Turner apologized for his role in the balloon incident earlier, which you can read more about here. He didn’t mean to be insensitive, but he recognized that it wasn’t a good time to speak on the environment while Jasmine was trying to honor her late father.

For the record, we’re not sure Big Brother would provide her with a helium balloon to do it anyway, due to some of the same environmental regulations Turner tried to suggest.

What do you think will happen at the Big Brother 24 Veto Ceremony tomorrow?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, come back — there are more updates on the way. (Photo: CBS.)

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