SEAL Team season 6 premiere date: The most likely window


The wait for SEAL Team season 6 is long, and there’s 100% no doubt about that. We can say this knowing full well that we also still have a little ways to go here. Production only started a matter of weeks ago, and we’re not at a point yet where Paramount+ has even announced anything.

Is there still a date that is 100% on our mind? Absolutely, and all things considered, it’s really not even that far away!

While nothing is confirmed at present (this is just our own speculation), don’t be surprised if Bravo Team is ready to go on the streaming service come September 18, give or take. Why then? There are a ton of cross-promotion opportunities during NFL broadcasts on CBS, which shares a parent company with Paramount+. There is a lot of shared viewers with football and SEAL Team, and it makes sense to hit that crowd in particular. Also, this is a pretty similar window to what we’ve seen with this show in the past.

If there’s any argument against starting off the show at that time, it’s probably tied to it being reasonably close to the start of The Good Fight earlier in the month. In a sense, we 100% do understand that. However, it’s also important to remember that The Good Fight and SEAL Team are very different audiences, and they are each also airing different days of the week. We just think it benefits both these shows to be around in the fall; even if this is a competitive time of the year, they bring something different to the table.

When could we see a trailer?

If our own speculation is accurate, we wouldn’t be 100% shocked if something surfaced when we get around to either late August or early September. We don’t expect there to be some months-long rollout, but it would be nice to have a few weeks to build a little buzz.

Related Check out some recently-announced SEAL Team season 6 casting news

What do you most want to see when it comes to SEAL Team season 6?

Do you have a specific premiere date in mind here? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, come back for more updates that you 100% don’t want to miss. (Photo: Paramount+.)

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