The Conners season 3 premiere sneak peek: Danny Trejo arrives

The Conners

As you prepare for The Conners season 3 premiere on ABC tomorrow, be well-aware of a certain big-name guest star. After all, Danny Trejo is going to be stopping by — though we hardly think his character will bring a smile to Dan’s face.

In the video below, you can get a good sense of what we’re talking about. Trejo is playing one of the family’s neighbors on the sitcom, and he shows up to deliver an eviction notice disguised amidst some friendly banner. He feels bad for having to do it, but times are tough and he claims that he needs money — his son may have had an accident involving trying to emulate a TikTok video. Hence, him having to take this sort of gig on.

We know that this is going to put Dan and the whole family in a hard position — but, haven’t the Conners dealt with struggle before? Much of the premiere will be spent watching these characters try to cope with their new situation, whether it be working to pick up jobs or just support each other. As dark as times may feel here and there, the important thing to still remember here is that The Conners is still a comedy. We don’t think that they will ever move things in too depressing a direction.

Our hope personally is that the appearance here from Trejo is really one of many that we have a chance to see over the next several weeks. He’s the sort of actor who can pop in and, even for just the span of a few short minutes, deliver an iconic moment. The show is lucky to have him, as are many others who have utilizes his services as of late.

Related News Want some more news on The Conners premiere, including some comments from Sara Gilbert

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