The Rookie season 2 episode 19: The dirty cop revealed!

Entering tonight’s new episode of The Rookiewe knew that there was going to be a big reveal that set the stage for the finale. Someone within the department was dirty, and that was going to cause all sorts of problems for John Nolan and potentially some other characters, as well.

So who was it? We don’t think the reveal itself is going to be altogether shocking — it was Armstrong! Despite working at times as a mentor and friend for Nolan for the better part of this season, we’re now in a position where John is going to have to square off with him … and it’s not going to be easy. This is a guy who has put serial killers away and is regaled by many as a hero. There aren’t going to be a whole flurry of people lining up to listen to the idea that he is somehow working for the bad guys.

As a matter of fact, the promo below suggests that there will be some pushing back against the idea — with some wanting him to make sure that he is 100% sure before he makes a move that he cannot take back. Armstrong may very well work to destroy his whole career — or his life. These are going to be desperate times and there are desperate measures coming in order for Nolan to get people on his side.

We do love the stakes that are present within this finale, especially in an era where so many finales don’t feel like that because of the current health crisis. This is one that will culminate the story of the season in a big way, but we hope that it doesn’t make Nolan somehow less trusting of the people around them. Most of them are good, even if there are some bad eggs sprinkled in there.

Related News Be sure to get some additional information now regarding the finale

What do you want to see transpire on The Rookie season 2 episode 20?

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