Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: The final four Veto winner

Big Brother Canada 7

Today in the Big Brother Canada 7 house, there was SO much stuff worth noting — it’s hard to know where to even really start!

Let’s start things off, though, with this: Sarah Hanlon visited the house in order to style everyone for the big awards, something that are a tradition for this show at this point. (If you’re wondering why certain people are brought back for it, we do think that location has a big thing to do with it — if you’re local and they don’t have to fly you out, they want you. Also, they’ve used Sarah many times already and she’s a familiar community.

From there, we had our nominations. Dane won Head of Household and following that, he opted to nominate Adam and Kyra. Everyone knew that the nominations didn’t matter, which is why he was fine to let Anthony go a little while longer without touching the block. (We don’t know why Dane is making Anthony’s jury argument even easier, but that’s precisely what happened.)

For some more Big Brother Canada information in video form, check out some of the latest that we’ve got below! Meanwhile, remember to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for some other news and that you can visit our playlist for even more great updates!

The only thing that matters today is the Veto. If Dane wins it, he gets to choose the one person who has the deciding vote. However, if anyone else wins it, they’ve got the deciding vote. The final four Veto typically does have a memory component to it, but it may have a mild physical component as well. The majority of the internet seems to be in agreement that Adam should win, given that he somehow has found himself in the position of underdog. If he doesn’t win, the configuration of the remaining players make it likely that he goes. Kyra’s an easier person to beat at the end than anyone else left, so there’s an easy case to be made that they will make it to the final two almost based on that.

So who actually won?

The victor is … Dane! That’s huge news in that he can basically opt to keep nominations the same, which in turn, means that he can have Anthony evict Adam. This is going to be tough for Adam fans to swallow, given that Adam has become somewhat of a fan favorite this season. However, Anthony is just a better social player than him and the idea of targeting Adam has also been the chief narrative. We think that it’s possible that Dane’s lying to Anthony and Kyra and wants to keep Adam, but there’s no clear evidence of that at the moment.

If you missed it…

Be sure to head over to the link here to see our full interview with Mark from a little bit earlier in the day.

What do you think about the final four Veto winner within the Big Brother Canada 7 house? Be sure to share right now in the comments. (Photo: Global.)

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