Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: Nominations and the plan

Big Brother Canada 7

Want to know what’s coming up this weekend within Big Brother Canada 7? Above all else, we’d argue that a whole lot of mess is on the horizon. That’s especially true for Kailyn more so than just about anyone else in the house.

Related Big Brother Canada video! Check out some more thoughts when it comes to the feeds below! Meanwhile, subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for some other news when it comes to the series … and be sure to also take a look at our show playlist so you don’t miss any other updates.

Kailyn, at the moment, seems to be the likely backdoor target if Head of Household Chelsea has her way. She nominated Kiera and Damien, but did it in the end in hopes that she can name her replacement nominee later. We don’t quite get why she didn’t just nominate Kailyn from the start other than that she really feels like it’s some sort of self-validation that she can do it this way … almost like she’ll feel like some epic Big Brother player. We don’t think that Kailyn is the threat that Chelsea thinks that she is, mostly because we feel like for a lot of people, she’ll be fairly expendable. Kiera’s actually far more connected with a number of people and she’s a far bigger threat to take out at the end.

For now, the best advice we could try to give to players like Damien, Eddie, and Kiera is to just continue to ingratiate themselves with as many different people as possible — make inroads! Find new allies! Determine some other ways for you to stick around in the game! That’s going to be the #1 way to best ensure your overall long-term future within the Big Brother Canada ecosystem since eventually, the dominant alliance will start to turn on one another and you can be seen as a numbers alternative in the event that this happens. Of course, it would help if one of them actually got in power at some point, but that’s a situation to be addressed the next time an HoH competition happens.

The funniest thing about the week at the moment is that a lot of fans out there are in a position where they’re actually having to root for the dominant alliance to win the Veto, since so that Kailyn can end up on the block. With Chelsea not playing, that does actually increase the odds that the Veto is not used … but we think a lot of people in the game would, based on where things are right now.

Also, for those wondering Anthony, Samantha, and Eddie are Have-Nots … not that we really think this is a big deal at all.

Want to get our most-recent Big Brother Canada interview?

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What do you want to see coming up on Big Brother Canada coming up? Be sure to share some of your thoughts on the subject below! (Photo: Global.)


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