Criminal Minds season 14 episode 2 review: Are Rossi and Krystall back together again?

Rossi and Krystall

For all of you out there that have long shipped JJ and Reid, the 300th episode and season 14 premiere of Criminal Minds gave everyone a little bit of a smile into the past. We heard a really sweet story of Reid asking JJ out on what he thought was a date to a baseball game when they all started at the BAU and since she didn’t pick up on the cues she asked Garcia to go with them turning it into a really close friendship between the three of them. What if Garcia never went, could something else have transpired between them? It’s a cool idea to think about since they are so close. While this season is going to be a bit shorter with a lesser episode order, the show is going to be shining a spotlight on more of the team’s personal lives and stories from their past. While we love this show when there’s a really creepy unsub, we really love this show when it brings us more personal stories about our team since we are all in with them.

Criminal Minds Video: If you missed our most recent video all about the 300th episode you can check that out below. Subscribe to our CarterMatt You Tube channel for more and take a look at our Criminal Minds playlist. We will be bringing you videos all about the show all season long so make sure you don’t miss out!

Want some juicy Rossi gossip? He’s been on vacation, but he didn’t go alone! He went to Savannah and met up with his ex-wife Krystall, where they shared a hotel room and a whole lot more. The show was kind of sniffing around this storyline a bit last season when the two of them had to help stop their daughter from marrying an abusive man (and now she’s dating a man they both love!), but nothing kicked off between them at that time (at least nothing that we saw outside of some serious chemistry!).

Now it seems that they are more then just testing the waters between them. Our real question moving forward is this: Will it be leading to a full on relationship between them again? At this point they are enjoying each other’s company and have agreed to keep it on the down low until they really know what’s there between them as to not upset the apple-cart with the family, but if we can weigh in on this… we would love to see this happen!

Related – Want to know what’s coming up on the next episode of Criminal Minds? Click here!

CarterMatt Verdict

Outside of how much we love the Rossi romance story picking up some steam with Krystall, we also enjoyed the UnSub story tonight. Something a bit different with all of the mummies found in the walls of the house (very Halloween feeling – perfect for October!). We are only two episodes in this season, but it’s been a great season so far.

What did you think of tonight’s episode of Criminal Minds and do you like the season so far? Leave us a comment in the box below and share your thoughts with us. (Photo: CBS)

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