Criminal Minds season 14 episode 3 preview: Daniel Henney’s spotlight

Criminal Minds season 14 episode 3

Want to know what lies ahead regarding Criminal Minds season 14 episode 3? Well, be prepared for a Daniel Henney story.

Following tonight’s episode, which was a nice showcase for Joe Mantegna as Rossi and a little peek into his love life, next week things will shift over to Matt Simmons as we learn more about him as a family man. You’ll see Kelly Frye back as his wife Kristy and beyond that, also see their son. Unfortunately, you will be meeting him under some less-than-ideal circumstances.

Related Video – Check out more thoughts on the Criminal Minds premiere from last week below! Remember that you can subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for more.

Below, we have the Criminal Minds season 14 episode 3 synopsis for some more information on what lies ahead:

“Rule 34” – When packages with gruesome contents are delivered to six people in the Washington, D.C. area, the BAU must first figure out what connects the recipients before they can identify the UnSub. Also, Simmons and Kristy (Kelly Frye) struggle to connect with their son, David, who is suspended from school for aggressive behavior, on CRIMINAL MINDS, Wednesday, Oct. 17 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

There are going to be two very clear threads on the show this week, and the major reason why we are focusing here on Simmons is just because it’s the one that easier to talk about. It would be a little more of a challenge to dive deep on what’s happening with the case, given that so much of what we’re hearing about it at the moment is superficial. It will certainly be intense, though, mostly because of the sense of urgency that comes with these shipments. There may only be so long that they have in order to figure things out here before things go from bad to worse.

Basically, it feels like Criminal Minds season 14 episode 4 is going to feature the best of both worlds — at least in terms of a great personal case for these characters and then also a chance to have an exciting case as a whole.

Related Check out some more news when it comes to Criminal Minds, including episode reviews and so much more

What do you want to see when it comes to Criminal Minds season 14 episode 3, and are you excited to see Simmons’ story front and center? Share in the comments below. (Photo: CBS.)

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