Jason George teases Grey’s Anatomy firefighter spin-off, Ben’s challenges

Jason George

The Grey’s Anatomy firefighter spin-off is getting closer than ever to becoming a reality, thanks mostly to Ben’s accelerating storyline. Bailey now knows the truth about Ben taking classes late at night in order to learn how to be a fire fighterl, and while she doesn’t seem to be all that keen over the idea, she’s letting him move forward with it.

The spin-off is going to be introduced in an upcoming episode this season and based on where we are right now, Ben is probably going to be the way to be introduced to that series. We can view the show (for the most part) through his eyes as he finds a way to integrate himself into the rest of the team. It may not be the easiest transition in the world but over time, these characters should work to make him feel more at home.

In speaking a little more about what this spin-off means for Ben, and some of what makes it exciting for him as an actor, Jason George had the following to say to Variety:

“I love testing the Ben and Bailey relationship, so we’ll see if it breaks, if this is the straw that breaks that back. I love the fact that Ben was definitely afraid of fire, but ran into a fire to save a friend. It says a lot about who he is at the core of his being. I want to learn more about me as a person, I want to learn more about what it is to charge into things that scare the hell out of you. I think the fun thing about firefight spinoff is that firefighters are on for 24-hour shifts and they become like a family. They eat together, they’re sleeping there – it’s like the “Grey’s” family, except for when the “Grey’s” family makes mistakes, a patient dies. When these guys make mistakes your partner dies, your friend dies, your lover, whatever, dies. That’s an interesting new level and new twist to the work-family kind of thing.”

It will be a challenge for Grey’s Anatomy and this spin-off to feature the marriage of Ben and Bailey all that much when the two are on separate shows; yet, we do have a feeling that they will find a way to make it work. They almost always do, even when it doesn’t look on the surface like it’s going to be an easy thing to pull off. They may just need to sacrifice a little bit of their own storyline on their own show in order to make a few appearances on each other’s. They are far from the only actors who have found a way to do this, so it’s not as though the series is treading on new ground here.

For more Grey’s Anatomy news…

If you are to head over to the link here, you can see an additional preview now of what is coming up on Thursday’s new episode!

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