‘Big Brother 17’ rankings: Is Liz, Vanessa, or Johnny Mac in the best spot right now to win?
After more than 24 hours of no live feeds, Tuesday night’s “Big Brother” episode will reveal to us the results of the biggest eviction of the season so far. This one is especially interesting to us given that there is no clear indicator right now of just where the chips are going to fall. We are leaning to a certain person being evicted, but we wouldn’t say that we were given 100% clear verification that it was going to be happening as of yesterday morning.
So while we wait for feeds, we’ve come up with a list of power rankings for the five remaining contestants in terms of who has the best chance to both make it to the end and win. If you agree / disagree, let us know and vote in the attached poll!
5. Austin – Last we saw on the feeds, he was most likely to be evicted by Vanessa, but there was still plenty of time for her to change her mind and have Johnny Mac just vote out Steve. He’s got a great shot of winning if he stays, since we think he may beat anyone left in a final two. However, getting there would be the challenge.
4. Steve – Even if he survives, he’ll probably be thought of by Vanessa and Liz as the biggest threat thanks to the whole feeling that super-fans are dangerous to beat in the end. He is a threat in front of a jury, and maybe even more than that someone who could win the final Head of Household easily (or at least parts two and three of it).
3. Liz – Her odds of making it to the final two are pretty high now, given that Vanessa would take her if she is in the final three with Steve or John, and Steve or John would do the same if they are not there with each other. What would be the point of eliminating her at final four? She’s won competitions, but hasn’t really played a tremendous social game. Still, we do have to consider her relatively dangerous given that she could have at least two guaranteed votes from Austin (if he is gone) and Julia.
2. Johnny Mac – The comparisons between Johnny Mac and Godfrey from “Big Brother Canada” are at this point pretty sound. We think, other than being evicted, he’s played a pretty good game, and maybe if he has the time, he can articulate some of that in front of the jury. He has a decent chance of getting there, and he at least has good social bonds with people like Shelli, Becky, and if he is eliminated before then, Steve. Modern juries do love competition wins, so winning the final HoH would help him tremendously in their eyes.
1. Vanessa – It is still hard to put her anywhere but the top spot, mostly because of the sole fact that if she makes it to the final two, how does the jury not reward her? Both Shelli and Becky have already made it clear that they at least have respect for her doing this, and if she can get there with Steve or John, she’ll probably have the twins and Austin on her side.
Want to get some other “Big Brother” news? We mapped out possible final four scenarios yesterday over at the link here! Also, you can sign up right now to have some other TV news on everything we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)