‘Big Brother 17’ spoilers: Special guests and a series of twists

Big Brother -Is “Big Brother 17” taking a page from “Big Brother Canada”? We’re starting to feel like it, based a little bit on some of the information that is coming out about this summer’s “BB Takeover” twist that is really just a series of twists.

What CBS announced today is that virtually every week, there will be a new “surprise guest” who turns up and announces a twist to the game, which in turn should keep everyone on their toes. If this is something small, like extra players in the Veto or an extra vote power for one eviction, we’re reasonably okay with it. If this is something like the coup d’etat or what we saw in the Have-Not Room on “Big Brother Canada 3,” we’re less than thrilled. We don’t want the voting public to start to completely influence the course of the entire game.

In a statement, executive producer Rich Meehan bellowed out the following about the season:

“This is going to be the biggest BIG BROTHER ever! Surprise guests, twists every week all summer long and, of course, Zingbot! But the Houseguests better keep their focus, because BIG BROTHER is all about relationships. Trust me, with all the twists and turns, those bonds will be more important than ever, because at the end of the week, it’s your housemates that send you packing on eviction night.”

Also, here’s a couple of other things we’ve had a chance to learn throughout the day:

1. It’s still possible that there couple be 14 houseguests this season, which would mean to us that there would have to be at least a couple of occasions in which someone could return (provided that they still want to have a double eviction at some point).

2. Julie Chen said on “The Talk” today that Audrey is transgender, but the show wanted that to be revealed on premiere night. We’re all for having her on the show, but we find it strange that it was deliberately not discussed in the Big Jeff interviews for the purpose of making a big reveal later. Allowing her to present herself organically seems to be a better move; if the show tries to make a big deal of it, it could unfortunately turn her into a target early on since some will perceive that as her getting more support from America.

We’re going to be continuing to spotlight the remaining “Big Brother” contestants right now over at the link here, so stay tuned! Also, you can sign up here to get some other TV updates on all we cover, courtesy of our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)

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