‘Big Brother 17’ cast spoilers: Audrey Middleton wants to be Dexter Morgan

Audrey -Today, “Big Brother 17” is revealing many of their cast, and we can only hope that there are a variety of interesting people on board that will make us want to keep watching. Audrey Middleton, a 25-year old digital consultant from Villa Rica, Georgia, is definitely interesting. She may also be one of the most intimidating people we’ve seen on the show since Amanda Zuckerman in terms of how she carries herself … but we’re not sure yet that she will do anywhere near as good as Amanda.

First impression – Audrey is somewhat terrifying, especially when you consider the fact that she openly compared herself to Dexter Morgan, or at least her gameplay. (We don’t think that she is going to be dumping off any of the other players off of the side of a boat.) She seems to be extremely self-confident, to the point that it will probably annoy and infuriate many of the other players that she runs into over the course of the season.

Worst impression – For one, she was chewing gum in her interview with Big Jeff! Also, she needs a little more of a sense of humor. Amanda was a villain on the show, but she had a little more natural charisma going into the game than we’re getting from Audrey.

Overall, right now we’re saying that Audrey is going to have a tough time, but let’s make it really clear that these are just our first impressions, and we’ll assess everyone a little bit better as we get closer to the show actually premiering on June 24.

Update: We’ve since learned via TMZ that Audrey is transgender, making her the first transgender contestant in the show’s history. How does this not come up in her interview with Jeff? It’s such a huge part of her story.

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