‘Glee’ series finale spoilers: Flashback with Chris Colfer, Lea Michele

Glee -Sad as it may be to think about, we’re really not that far away from the series finale of “Glee.” With that, we definitely anticipate a little bit of everything, whether you are talking about tears, joy, music, and all else you have come to expect from the show.

There are going to be two separate episodes enclosed in the March 20 conclusion, and the first is entitled “2009.” The story here is somewhat simple: Taking you far back to the start of it all, where these characters first met and actually started to figure out who they wanted to be. The photo attached here shows a young Kurt (Chris Colfer) and Rachel (Lea Michele) at McKinley High. Yes, it is hard to picture these two as high school students, but trust us when we say it will be a whole lot harder to picture either Mark Salling or Max Adler playing kids this age now. After all, Salling is 32 years old!

It is still not entirely clear why we are flashing back to the early days now, but our theory is that this allows us a chance to understand better where some of these students came from, and then compare that to where they are in the present. The difficult part of this is that it is very awkward to picture this episode without Cory Monteith. It is more plausible of course to move forward without him, but Finn was such an important part of the past.

The second part of the finale is entitled “Dreams Come True,” and based on what we here, that will bring us a little bit further into the future.

For now, let us know what you think about this photo below, and head over here to watch a promo for the next episode right away. Also, sign up to score some further TV news on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter.

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