‘The Amazing Race 25’ episode 4 preview: Shelley & Nici melt down at the mat

Amazing Race -While we are not going to say that tonight’s new episode of “The Amazing Race 25” was anything close to a revelation, it was still fun. It also marked the end for Michael & Scott, who suffered due to a silly mistake more than they did a bum ankle.

So where are they going next? Copenhagen, which appears to be a leg that will benefit heavily some teams more than others. For example, there’s a cycling task! Who would’ve guessed that Kym & Ally would be good at this?

What we are more curious about may be one of the biggest meltdowns that we’ve ever seen on the mat at “The Amazing Race.” Shelley & Nici apparently have something that is so dramatic, one of them storms off during their discussion with Phil.

What happened here? It is very hard to figure out, but we do very much hope that this is not going to be a spoiler for who finishes in last place. Clearly, Shelley & Nici are not going to have a great episode of one of them is upset by the time they get to the mat.

We do feel still that this is a pretty fun season of the show. While we hope that Misti & Jim are not so dominant most of the time, there is a whole lot of fun here when it comes to the cast. Also, we enjoy the challenges that have been presented. So far, there has not been a bum leg.

What do you want to see on the next “Amazing Race” episode? Share your thoughts and predictions with a comment, and head over here to read our review of what happened tonight. Also, you can sign up if you want to get some further TV updates on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter.

Photo: CBS

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