Are Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, Luke Cage impacted by Disney streaming service?
Will Disney’s upcoming streaming service have huge ramifications for Daredevil, Jessica Jones, or any other Marvel – Netflix show?
Daredevil, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage
Will Disney’s upcoming streaming service have huge ramifications for Daredevil, Jessica Jones, or any other Marvel – Netflix show?
Daredevil, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, The Defenders
Ever since we starting watching The Defenders season one our life has become (as Jessica Jones puts it) “one big kung-fu party” – and that’s not a bad thing. We didn’t know how this crew was really going to come together to become a cohesive team (especially with Jessica Jones since she does not play […]
Here’s a big surprise that we didn’t see coming (although we really should’ve) — David Tennant is going to be coming back to Jessica Jones for season 2. This news was first reported via Entertainment Weekly, and the first question that we had regarding this is pretty darn simple: How in the world are they going to make […]
One of the notable Power season 4 departures is thankfully not going to be unemployed for all that long. (Warning: There are some major spoilers ahead if you’re behind on the Starz drama. Read ahead with that knowledge!) Still with us? Then read on for more… As first reported by Entertainment Weekly, J.R. Ramirez (whose character of […]
Jessica Jones season 2 has a heck of a challenge in topping Kilgrave as a villain; are they doing that now via Typhoid Mary? Nothing is confirmed as of yet, but here is what we know. Per a new report coming in right now via Variety, Twilight alum Leah Gibson is going to be appearing over the […]
American Gods, BoJack Horseman, Jessica Jones, Lucifer, Teen Wolf
What does it take to be one of the best TV show Twitter accounts? We don’t think it’s that complicated a formula — you need to obviously promote your show and be active, but also have some fun with it in the process! Remember that the key focus of Twitter is engagement, and getting people to […]
Jessica Jones season 2 is going to be premiering on Netflix at some point in 2018 — how about some casting news? Earlier this week, Marvel TV and Netflix confirmed that two-time Oscar nominee Janet McTeer is going to be appearing in the cast of the Krysten Ritter series. While the statement offers up no concrete information […]
Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage
While you enjoy a lot of holiday festivities over the course of the next couple of days, here’s some holiday spirit thrown at you in the most random form possible: Fight scenes from some of the Marvel – Netflix series that are out there. This video was put out recently by the streaming service, and […]
Agents of SHIELD, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage
Do we finally have our natural link between the Marvel Cinematic Universe on ABC and it on Netflix? It’s something that we’ve wondered about for quite some time, mostly because the MCU is proving to be such a strange beast. Sure, here and there we do see some natural links between shows, such as when […]
At the moment, there is not a whole lot of news when it comes to “Jessica Jones” season 2, and we do understand why given the sole fact that Marvel and Netflix have spent most of the past several months focusing on a few other shows in their pantheon. “Luke Cage” is now on the […]