‘Breaking Bad’ season 5: Watch Aaron Paul continue to be awesome, even to tourists
If you are a Hollywood celebrity, we can imagine it being very easy to develop a sort of anger and cynicism towards people who are tourists in your town. They never see a star, so they foam at the mouth at the sight of one, can be very intrusive, and often break what little privacy you have considering how awful the paparazzi probably treats you already.
However, we can officially confirm that “Breaking Bad” star Aaron Paul is not the ordinary celebrity. Instead, he may be perhaps one of the most awesome ones alive. Who else would go through the trouble to be extra-kind, and at his home no less, to complete strangers? While we’re definitely not proponents for shouting at a guy’s house (mostly because that should be where the guy is allowed to catch a break), the way in which Aaron handled it is incredible: He goes out, says hello, chats with them for a minute, and then sends them on their way.
Now, we just hope that there’s not going to be a mob of people sitting outside of his out waiting for him to get the groceries, but this was really just a nice moment in ignoring the sort of celebrity / fan tension that can exist in the real world. Neither side is probably ever intending to be rude; they just often don’t realize how the other half lives. Non-celebs often have no understanding how busy some people are, whereas celebs often don’t realize how much effort some people put into trying to meet someone that is their hero, and how two minutes can change their day or even their year.
So once again, applause to Aaron; now go read about Vince Gilligan talking about the end to “Breaking Bad” following its August 11 premiere.
Photo: AMC
Just Somebody
July 28, 2013 @ 4:34 am
What a special kind of guy. Love Aaron Paul. I am sure he made those fans very happy.
July 28, 2013 @ 1:43 am
Aaron Paul you are most diffenetly one of the most AWESOME actors of all time. Your acting is simply great. To come out to speak to your fans is so very rare. People do not realize how busy actors are, and when they are at home they need to study and rest. For you to come out and say hi, taking time out of your already busy day is not something you see very often, really never. I comend you (excuse spelling ,part of the brain that doesn’t work as well since my stroke). You seem like a very nice man—and since you are so nice I will continue to look you up and watch everything you had been in and will be in. For once lets let the good guys win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!