The Amazing Race 37 episode 3 preview: Express Pass returns

The The Amazing Race 37
Photo: CBS

Next week on CBS you are going to have a chance to see The Amazing Race 37 episode 3 play out — and also see another familiar twist! Tonight, we have an opportunity to see the Intersection come back into the show; moving forward, the Express Pass will officially arrive!

As many longtime fans of the Race likely know, this pass is a useful twist in that it allows a team to be able to skip a task entirely, giving them a significant leg up on the competition. It’s a little different from a Fast Forward, which let teams go straight to the Pit Stop; that was a twist more known in the early seasons. With the Express Pass, there’s a little flexibility as to when you can use it, but also an expiration date.

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Now if you do what to learn more about what is ahead here, go ahead and check out the full The Amazing Race 37 episode 3 synopsis below:

“Chaotic, Crazy, That’s What We’re Used To” – The stakes are high at the Roadblock! Racers must play the ancient Japanese game of kemari and the first team with both members to successfully complete the game will win the express pass, on THE AMAZING RACE, Wednesday, March 19 (9:30-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on-demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the day after the episode airs)*.

For those interested in learning more about kemari, it is a traditional game that is really just about keeping a ball in the air. There are some similarities to hacky-sack, but it feels derivative to narrow it down to that entirely. This is something that will test the teams’ stamina, but beyond just that their concentration.

What are you hoping to see on The Amazing Race 37 episode 3, and do you like the Express Pass in the game?

Also, who are you rooting for? Share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, come back to score some additional updates.

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