Law & Order: Organized Crime season 5 premiere date: September update

Law & Order: Organized Crime season 4
Photo: NBC

If you are like us at this point, you are probably pretty darn curious about Law & Order: Organized Crime season 5. We know that it is coming back at some point, but when?

Well, if you need a quick refresher here, let’s just start by noting that the series is moving now to Peacock after several seasons at NBC. This does mean that it is on a different production and/or airing timeline than the shows still on the broadcast network, and it certainly means a lot more ambiguity in regards to a premiere date.

Law & Order: Organized Crime

The good thing with a show like this is that it can have a pretty quick turnaround from when it films versus when it airs. Does that mean it is coming back this year? Not necessarily, as we have heard nothing to suggest that at present. There are questions that you have to think about here, with a big one being if Peacock has a specific launch time in mind. Also, whether or not there is going to be a binge release, given that a number of other shows from them are either doing this or something close to it. We imagine that in the weeks to come some of that will start to be clear.

Insofar as a premiere date goes, the only hope we have right now is that some sort of big reveal around the time the other Law & Order shows come back later this month — but for the time being, we’d just say that a lot of this feels like a toss-up. Our hope is that Organized Crime is back in January or February, and that the producers take advantage of this opportunity to tell a story that is more serialized and intense than ever. They can certainly push the envelope more on streaming than they did on NBC once upon a time…

What do you most want to see moving into Law & Order: Organized Crime season 5 on NBC?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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