Hotel Portofino season 3 episode 4 spoilers: Big changes ahead

Hotel Portofino season 3
Photo: PBS

As you prepare for Hotel Portofino season 3 episode 4 on PBS next week, there is one big thing to note: We’re already at the halfway point! There are only three episodes to go this season, and it does feel pretty clear to us already that we are entering a decidedly different paradigm. We don’t know how else to really describe the situation with the Great Depression almost right around the corner.

Of course, nobody on the series has the foresight to know how bad things are going to get globally and for now, they are just on the cusp of dealing with the Wall Street Crash. This is something that trickles down through the rest of the season, and we are going to see Bella and potentially some others start to feel the impact.

Below, you can check out the full Hotel Portofino season 3 episode 4 synopsis with other insight on what lies ahead:

After the fallout of the Wall Street Crash, Bella grapples with launching her new business endeavor, while Cecil finds himself confronted by a familiar adversary. While Alice confronts her fear of horses, Lucian belatedly realizes his feelings for Constance, but his revelation comes at an inopportune moment.

Just in reading this alone, you can probably continue to see that there is a lot going on here from top to bottom. There are going to be some potentially romantic stuff in here, but also serious drama. This mixture of things is among what Hotel Portofino does best. They love to present you with a lot of different elements and then allow you to feel like a full part of the world. Good and bad things happy to characters often; the only thing that you can do is be prepared for all of it.

What do you most want to see moving into Hotel Portofino season 3 episode 4 on PBS?

Beyond that, what have you thought about the season so far? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back — there are a lot of other updates on the way.

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