Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Quinn exposes the Pentagon

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

We know that this is probably not going to be a surprise to a lot of people out there, but the Big Brother 26 house is messy. Also, Quinn has apparently not learned from his past mistakes when it comes to spreading around too much info.

Overnight, the guy ended up spilling on the Pentagon to Kimo and T’kor. You can argue that he didn’t necessarily mean to use the name, but it doesn’t really matter — the result is the result. We know from the show that this is the actual final two three that he wants the most, which is hilarious in that there really isn’t a ton of trust there anymore (especially from T’kor, who was not told about his power in advance). This is after earlier yesterday we saw him try to get in better with Brooklyn and he’s got alliances all over the house.

We understand why CBS needs to wait until Thursday to reveal the America’s Veto nominee, since casuals have not even been able to vote on it yet. However, at the same time, we actually wish there was more time to see what happened if Quinn ended up on the block and people were able to think about it. We still think that he’d probably be okay, though — even if there is distrust, a lot of people seem to be aware that he’s just going to nominate a combination of Tucker / Angela / Kenney / Makensy for eviction depending on who remains. It’d just be a little more fun.

Speaking of things that are not fun, Kenney would prefer he leaves the game over Tucker, making this the second time in the past few weeks that he’s felt that way against someone on the block. This could hold a little wait in what people want to do, but we also feel like if you’re playing the game, it makes more sense to compete against someone who doesn’t really want to be there versus someone who clearly does.

Related See more of what happened late last night in the Big Brother 26 house

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