Wheel of Fortune video: Pat Sajak passes baton to Ryan Seacrest

Wheel of Fortune 2023
Photo: CBS Media Ventures

This fall will mark a brand-new season of Wheel of Fortune and with that, the first major change to the show in decades.

As so many out there have known for months, Pat Sajak has now completed his run as host and with that in mind, someone new is taking the reigns! That someone is none other than Ryan Seacrest, who does appear ready to take on what Pat did for so many years. Vanna White will remain as co-host and with that, the transition may be a little less jarring.

If you head over to the link here right now, you can see a new preview where Pat passes the metaphorical baton to Ryan, and you can see that there is nothing but positive vibes for everyone involved here. It also should help longtime Sajak fans to know that he’s showing approval to the man taking his place, and that could also keep viewership rather steady.

Ultimately, we don’t predict too many big changes to the show at this point, given that Pat never really operated from a position where he was constantly the star of the series. It’s really about the game and the contestants and odds are, that will stay pretty similar. It is also a family game show meant to steer clear of any controversial topics. This should more or less remain. Outside of the hosting change here, typically the only read headlines you ever see from Wheel of Fortune are when someone does an absolutely horrendous job solving one of the puzzles. We have a hard time envisioning that this will change moving forward.

The new season featuring Seacrest will be starting off this fall, so you will be waiting a good while to see it. More than likely, there are going to be a few more teases over time to better tide you over.

What do you most want to see from Wheel of Fortune with Ryan Seacrest?

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