Found season 1 episode 10: Was Sir Gabi’s teacher?

Found season 1
Photo: NBC

We anticipated that Found season 1 episode 10 was going to contain some sort of big reveal around Gabi and Sir — and we got it!

For those who were wondering just how deep the connection was between these two characters, the yearbooks (plus a conversation between them) confirmed that she was a teacher. Not only that, but Gabi grappled with the idea that she was not the only one taken from the school.

What happened to Annie? Sir claims that he did not kill her, but Shanola Hampton’s character hardly believes that is the case. Her feeling is that when Annie came back in order to stop something else from happening, Hugh Evans a.k.a. Sir’s real name eliminated her from the equation. If he is telling the truth for whatever reason, we need even more information about that.

Obviously, coming out of this episode it’s clear that the plot thickens perhaps more than ever before. Sir was someone who Gabi was supposed to trust, someone who was meant to offer up some sort of better outlook on the future. Yet, here we are, and we have a larger explanation now of the mistrust that is there; however, at the same time it is a little bit clearer why she wants to pick his brain from time to time. There is some remnant from the past there, albeit in a very demented way.

Following all of this…

Of course, we did get another reminder that Gabi wants to do more or less everything in her power to stop Sir, but wasn’t that clear already? We absolutely tend to think so! She wants to ensure that this man eventually faces justice, but it’s hard to have a clear timeline on that. After all, remember for a moment everything we have seen already.

Related Be sure to get some more news on the next new episode of Found

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