Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Final five nominations
The final five nominations have now happened within Big Brother 25 — so how do they shape the future of the game?
We should note here, first and foremost, that Head of Household Matt has the potential to make a huge move this week. However, it makes no sense to do it at nominations. Since everyone gets to play in the Veto, you don’t want to risk making someone made early.
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Even with that being said, Matt gave no indication pre-nomination ceremony that he was going to try and get Bowie Jane or Jag up this week. He fed info about his conversations with Cirie and Felicia back to his other allies (and has even said that he would throw Bowie Jane and Jag under the bus as possible targets), and Cirie and Felicia are now on the block together. We still don’t think Matt wants Cirie to go this week, but little does he realize that Jag and Bowie would probably take her out over Felicia based on her overall threat level within the game.
The tricky thing for Matt right now is that if he wants to avoid being a target at final four, he needs Jag around. This is why getting him out this week may not make a lot of sense. He has promised both Jag and Bowie safety, and he also seemingly irked Cirie and Felicia both by hanging out with them for most of the afternoon. This led to a real environment where there were two distinct sides of the house.
Honestly, the only way that we’ll get a better sense of what’s happening right now in Matt’s head is if we actually hear from him directly — and maybe that will happen on Sunday.
Related – Yes, Matt’s HoH letter was in fact from Reilly
What do you think about the nominations for the week in Big Brother 25?
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