Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Matt causes chaos before eviction

Big Brother 25

In just a matter of hours, the latest Big Brother 25 eviction show is going to be here … and people just can’t keep their mouths shut.

So what’s the big problem now? Well, we do still think that Izzy is being voted out tonight, but Matt for some reason still can’t fully get away from the idea that Cirie and Jared are people he should trust on some level. Hence, him feeling the need to not blindside anyone.

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First, Matt told Felicia that she was staying this afternoon, something that made her pretty darn pleased. From there, we saw Jared learn the news and then work on gassing Matt up about the For Real For Real alliance (basically one meant to “mock” the Seven Deadly Sins). He seemed to be getting through to Matt on some level and for whatever reason, there are people in the game that still trust him.

The biggest problem with everything today is that it is Jared lying about Jag this morning that caused these paranoia spirals — remember, he claims that Jag told him about the Izzy plan last night when he didn’t, and this was really just Cirie’s side figuring this out. Now, nobody trusts Jag again and this puts a huge wedge into this potential new, “dominant” alliance.

One thing that we will say is that Jared is getting pretty defensive — as of right now, Cory, Matt, and Bowie Jane are all talking to Jared…

The only thing that matters now

This isn’t all that complicated — the Head of Household Competition tonight is essential. This is the return of the epic wall comp, and we know that whatever happens here is going to have huge ramifications moving into the rest of the week.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 25 and Jared’s lie

What do you think that is going to happen on Big Brother 25 moving forward?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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