Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: The Savage Seven ‘alliance’

Big Brother 25

There have been a million different alliances within the Big Brother 25 house so honestly, it is hard to take any of them seriously.

Yet, we do feel somewhat different when a named alliance comes into the fray, or at least one that has been hinted about for longer than a day or two. With that in mind, why not introduce you to the Savage Seven for a moment? (For the record, we think that there may be some efforts to already try to change the name to the Debt Collectors, Seven Deadly Sins, or something else.)

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This alliance met this afternoon on the live feeds (which were down for a while earlier, possibly as preparation for Tropical Storm Hilary). So who is in it? You’ve got Head of Household Felicia, plus Cirie, Felicia, Jag, Blue, Matt, and Jared. This group could actually be formidable if they stuck together, given that it is really two different “sides” of the house coming together. Cirie’s group still has the numbers advance, but Jag, Blue, and Matt may not understand that fully because of the Jared twist.

Of course, we don’t believe for a second that this whole group is going to be the final seven, especially since Jared has already thrown Izzy under the bus and the relationship between Blue and Jared (however you want to define it) could eventually get them in trouble. For now, this may at least help to cement the plan that Hisam goes this week.

Now, with this being said, there has also been chatter already about targeting Cameron. This indecision is going to just be the way of things at the moment. You better be prepared for it.

Related Check out more news on Big Brother 25 game, including the re-formation of the plan for the week

Do you think that this seven-person Big Brother 25 alliance will last longer than a week?

Be sure to let us know in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back for some other updates.

(Photo: CBS.)

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