Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Enter the Professors! (day 6)

Big Brother 25

We are now in the morning of day 6 within the Big Brother 25 house, so why not introduce ourselves to another alliance?

It is certainly true that this is a show that has already proven to be chaotic through the first week with a million different alliances — and now, you can add the Professors into the mix. Who are among the people in this one? Think along the lines of Cirie, Felicia, Izzy, Mecole, Red, Hisam, and Bowie. Basically, it’s that entire side of the house other than Jared, who is basically with them already.

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The Veto Ceremony is coming later today and within that, we anticipate that Kirsten and Felicia will remain on the block together. Of course, we tend to think that Kirsten is going to go and really, the next few days are about positioning themselves for the long-term future. If you are Cirie, for example, you have to keep building up some forces to go against Reilly and her group.

What is really fascinating to us are all the people who are sort of realizing that they are not at the top of any alliance and with that, are starting to look elsewhere. Red and Cameron, for example, are starting to have something going on. The same goes for America and Mecole. We know that Cory is sort of bouncing between sides and doesn’t have a home, and this morning Luke woke up and decided, for the first time, that he really wanted to start playing the game and engage in a little bit more of the chaos.

For the time being, we tend to think the people playing the best game are people probably like America and Mecole, who are doing a really good job of not creating waves and hovering under the radar. That’s what you want at this point.

Related Read more on the Big Brother 25 Nether Region!

What are you hoping to see today within the Big Brother 25 house?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! After you do just that, come back for some other updates.

(Photo: CBS.)

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