Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Week 1 Veto players
For the time being, though, there’s a pretty simple question we want to dive into further: The Veto players for the time being. Who are set to square off?
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Well, of course you have Head of Household Reilly, but then also the two nominees in Kirsten and Felicia. Joining them will be Hisam, Blue, and Cameron. What makes this interesting is that based on what we know, Hisam is against Reilly.
Earlier today, we mapped out how there are two sides of the house at this point, with Jared seemingly in both — he’s a double agent and he’s already passed along to Cirie about some of the people in Reilly’s eight-person group. Cirie, Izzy, Bowie, Felicia, and Hisam are all working with Jared and a few others! They could remove Felicia to ensure that she is safe and force Reilly to get some blood on her hands. We know she wants Kirsten out, but would this force her to nominate Luke, who seems to be a possible replacement nominee?
(Blue is the one person fighting for Reilly’s side 100% — it’s hard to trust Cameron. Cirie is hosting.)
Originally, it seemed as though Cory was going to be Reilly’s replacement nominee, but he’s been looped in now to her eight-person group “The Handful” — or, that’s the name for the core. The bigger group seems to be called Family Style. We’ll see what the Veto is, but it is pretty funny that someone thinks we’re “due for a mental comp.” It’s day 4, everyone!
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother, including who is in what big alliance right now
Who do you want to see win the Veto today on Big Brother 25?
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(Photo: CBS.)