Big Brother 25 premiere: The curious case of America Lopez

Big Brother 25

As we get closer to the Big Brother 25 premiere, can we have a larger conversation about houseguest America Lopez?

We know that there’s always a lot of discussion about various houseguests before the season, but what’s honestly so interesting about America is how little is actually out there about her so far. She’s not prolific on social media and really, there is very little known about her. Heck, we’ve even seen some people out there speculating that she’s playing under a fake name. Yet, her former high school congratulated her on Facebook for being on the cast and referred to her as “America.” That theory may be kaput.

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So what could we have here? It may just be the rare case of someone playing the game out of a sheer interest as opposed to being some super-prolific social-media star after the fact. It’s a really interesting subplot that we do want to see explored throughout the season, and it’s actually one of a few bizarre storylines that we are seeing discussed entering the season. Another one we’ll get into soon is whether or not there are really sixteen houseguests or if there are some other surprises coming later on!

In the end, just go ahead and remember this — we are entering a 100-day season and by virtue of that alone, there are going to be some opportunities for the show to take a few more creative risks. We welcome that — or, at least we do so long as they don’t upset the balance of power and give one person a huge advantage over everyone else.

Related Get some more surprising insight into the Big Brother 25 cast, including if Blue was originally an alternate for the season

What do you think is going on with America Lopez entering Big Brother 25?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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